

免費入場 - 書送快樂 將在場地進行接受捐款。所有捐款將不扣除任何成本直接捐贈至 書送快樂  Registered Charity IR No.:91/10408。

感謝Max_subtle_Creations所創作的中央圖書館、及anderson_brick_art 幫忙設計2024年的海報及各宣傳品。


Hong Kong Brick Fiesta 2024

Hong Kong Brick Fiesta 2024 is scheduled for July 20th (Saturday) and 21st (Sunday) between 11am to 6:30pm at the 1 & 2 Exhibition Gallery on G/F at the Hong Kong Central Library.

We welcome all guests. If you are interested in exhibiting your creations, please feel free to contact us.

Free admission, Read-Cycling will be accepting donations at the venue. All proceeds will go to Read-Cycling Registered Charity IR No.:91/10408

Special thanks to Max Subtle Creations for his built on the Hong Kong Central Library. We also thank anderson_brick_art on designing all advertising materials.