



Grateful for each Committee Member's Contribution

Aiming to prepare the best for this year's Fiesta, we invited many enthusiasts with similar mindsets as our planing and preparation committee.

We are grateful for each committee member's unconditional contributions.

Below lists each member and their responsible scope.


Anderson Liu - 平面設計師 - Graphic Designer

Max Ma - 展覽導賞統籌 - Guided Tour Coordinator

 - 運輸支援 - Transportation Support

 - 對外活動統籌 - External Activities Coordinator

 - 傳媒聯絡 - Media Relations

Icarus Cheung - 網絡支援 - Website Support

 - 保安統籌 - Security Coordinator

 - 印刷統籌 - Print Coordinator

 - 財務顧問 - Budget Advisor

Van Chiu - 節目統籌 - Fiesta Coordinator


 在世上有不同的樂高節慶,是由樂高同好為同好者及參觀人仕創立的。主要目的為供應場地給同好帶備及展示他們的創作,通常叫作MOCs (My Own Creation,我的創作),及與同好們分享。活動通常有演說、講座、討論及比賽。

香港拼砌嘉年華將延續 香港拼砌博覽2020的理念,於每年舉辦一次的嘉年華,讓各樂高同好和公眾能互相交流的平台。

What is Hong Kong Brick Fiesta?

Various AFOL festivals have been established around the world, which are LEGO fan events created by AFOLs for AFOLs and visitors. The focus is to provide a venue for adult fans of LEGO to bring and display their own LEGO creations, often referred to as MOCs (My Own Creations), and to share with fellow enthusiasts. Activities at festivals include presentations, seminars, round-table discussions and contests.

Hong Kong Brick Fiesta will continue the initiative from Hong Kong Brick Expo 2020, and will hoist the fiesta once per year, to provide a platform for all LEGO fans and public to interact.







We will also need volunteers throughout the Expo.  

Please contact us if you are interested in volunteering.